Friday, February 17, 2012

Execute Excel macro after export

We have a report that users typically export to Excel. I've created a
macro in Excel that I run against the the exported report to do some
follow up work. Unfortunately, this requires that I export the report
myself, run the macro and forward on to those interested.
I'm looking for a way to execute the macro automatically every time
someone exports to Excel (or sets up a subscription that sends Excel
output). Any ideas?
If there is a way to do this with a custom DLL, etc. we would be
interested in hiring a consultant to complete the task.
Thanks for you help
IANI'm currently working on a DLL to do exactly this. We execute a macro to
strip out hyperlinks because the excel renderer doesn't have an
OmitHyperlinks option.
Contact me if you are still interested.
"" wrote:
> We have a report that users typically export to Excel. I've created a
> macro in Excel that I run against the the exported report to do some
> follow up work. Unfortunately, this requires that I export the report
> myself, run the macro and forward on to those interested.
> I'm looking for a way to execute the macro automatically every time
> someone exports to Excel (or sets up a subscription that sends Excel
> output). Any ideas?
> If there is a way to do this with a custom DLL, etc. we would be
> interested in hiring a consultant to complete the task.
> Thanks for you help

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