Sunday, February 19, 2012

Execute Package Task with SQL Server Location

Have written a SSIS package which in turn runs a couple of child packages via the Execute Package control flow task. All is fine if I use a Location of File System for the task. However when I deploy to production I'd like the main package and it's child packages to be under SQL Server.

I can set the Execute Package task location to SQL Server after copying my packages into a development SQL box and again it works. However as it's now executing the package from SQL rather than wihin BIDS it doesn't give me the debugging/flow information for the Child package when I run the parent package. It's also a bit of a pain because even though all the packages are part of the same solution if I make a change to a child package I've got to remember to re-save a copy of it to the SQL database.

Have looked into seeing if I can make the location field for the Execute package task configurable so that I could run as a File System package within BIDS but as a SQL package in production but the Location field doesn't seem to be exposed as a property for the Execute Package task so can't set this as an expression or from a configuration.

Does anyone have any advice on using the Executing package task for child packages which are stored in SQL.

What I do, for smaller packages, is to create a boolean variable -- SQLServerExecution -- and then create two flows on the control flow. Each flow does exactly the same thing, except on one flow, there's a precedence constraint that checks for SQLServerExecution to be true (and if so, execute that branch) and the other checks for it to be false.

Setup the false branch's Execute Package tasks to use the file system, and setup the true branch's Execute Package tasks to use SQL Server.

Or, create two master packages -- one for SQL Server packages, the other for file system packages.|||

My only advice is to use the same store type in all the environments. Otherwise support and deployment could become a nightmare as you won't be able to reproduce specific issues.

Sorry, I know that this does not answer your question.


Thank you Phil that makes perfect sense. I'll have a think how easy it is to apply the solution to my parent package.

Think in future I'll also need to lay my C#/OO head to one side when doing SSIS and think a lot more carefully about when to split work off to seperate packages rather than have them as seperate Data Flows/Control flow areas etc within the same package.


It wasn't really a specific question more an "any advice on this" type plea so your advice is most welcome Rafael, thank you.

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