Sunday, February 19, 2012

Execute Package Task fail with "Access Denied"

Hi all,

I have an error when a package is trying to execute a SubPackage using the "Execute Package Task". I have this problem for all packages that are running sub packages.

The packages are stored in the DTS\Packages folder of the SQL Server installation folder.

The master package is called from an Event Handler on a document library in MOSS 2007.

The account from the Sharepoint Application Pool has Full Control on the DTS\Packages folder.

What am I missing ?

Does it work OK if you run it from BIDS?|||


Actually, adding the account of the SPS Process to the Local Admin group on the SSIS server made it work but I don't understand why. This user account already had Read&Execute and Write NTFS permissions on the folder where the SSIS packages are stored and it works for the other packages, only the sub packages returns an "Access Denied" error.

I should have said that I have 2 servers, one SPS server and one SQL/SSIS Server.

I would prefer not to add the SPS User account to the Local Admin group on the SQL/SSIS Server, if anyone has an idea how to avoid this please let me know.

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