Sunday, February 19, 2012

Execute Package Task using SSIS Package Store package

From the Execute Package Task Editor, what info do you have to enter to
reference a SSIS Package Store package?
For the Location, I've tried both "SQL Server" and "File" and nothing
works except selecting the actual location from the "File" option.
For the Connection, I've tried the default "Native OLE DB\..." and "..OLE DB
Provider for DTS.." as Provider with no result.
For PackageName, I've tried various combination "\File System\PackageName",
"PackageName", etc... and nothing works.

I'm assuming this task allow for the 3 different ways to store the package (SQL Server/MSDB, File System, Package Store (hybrid)).

Any ideas!!!?

The documentation for the task here


says that the package can originate only from the File System or MSDB.

You could however use DTExec to fire the package with the /D[ts] package_path
Allan|||Remember as well that all the package store is the only the logical container for MSDB and the folder location specified in MsDtsSrvr.ini. The thing about it is that the service is aware of this location.
Allan|||The problem with the Package Store is that it is both or "managed" File System. I think someone has submitted a bug report on my behalf for this. Thanks.

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