Sunday, February 26, 2012

Execute Process Task arguments

We are attempting to use SSIS execute process task.

In a cmd.exe session the executable runs with normal arguments:

mycmd < myscript.txt > foo.txt 2>error.txt

We have attempted to several permutations of this without success. We declared variables and assigned them to stdin, stdout, stderr. However, mycmd opens in the SSIS session as if no arguments have been supplied.

Is there some expression that is required to connect the stdin/out/err variables in the Arguments within Execute Process Task. The help/examples are terse.

Redirections using < and > are not arguments, they are special symbols treated by cmd.exe.

To get the same behavior from Execute Process Task, you'll need to read content of myscript.txt into a variable and redirect program input to this variable; redirect output and errors to two other variables, then after program ends save these variables into foo.txt and error.txt.

But the easiest way to solve it is to use the 'cmd.exe' as the task executable, and supply your command (/C mycmd < myscript.txt > foo.txt 2>error.txt) as agruments for cmd.exe (/C added to instruct cmd.exe to executed specified command).|||

Thanks! We somehow missed the /C switch and that solved the problem.

Loading myscript.txt into a variable for use by stdin seems a bit problematic in our situation since it could be several hundred lines long and contain a wide spectrum of characters related to regular expressions that just seem like the perfect opportunity to tip it over.

We may look at the use of variables in the argument and see if we can move the scrum ahead.


I'm trying to use the "Execute Process" task to compress several ASCII files in a folder in one ZIP archive. The command line for it looks as follows:

c:\programme\7zip\7z.exe a -bd U:\Projekte\TFG\Software\Log_storage\ SCD_Demo_isHASH_*.log

The result file has size of 2 KB.

When I put this command in the "Arguments" property of the "Execute Process" component (with "/C" switch and cmd.exe as executable), I get an empty ZIP file. What could be a reason for it? Has anyone already experienced such behaviour?


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