Friday, February 24, 2012

Execute permission denied

I am accessing an s2k database from a web app using .net.
My server died and I had to reinstall s2k and now I am
getting "Execute permission denied" on my stored
procedures. The web app has not changed so I infer that
something's wrong with the setup on the database. The
connection string is as follows:
"Password=xxxx;Persist Security Info=True;User
ID=WebUser;Initial Catalog=ScottWeb;Data
WebUser exists and has owner permission on the db.
Thanks for any help.Hi,
After the reinstall of SQL 2000, did you restore the Master database and
then followed the restore of all user databases. If it is the case then
all the permissions for all Logins and users will be syncronized back.
If you have not resored the Master database then the SID in sysLogins table
will not syncronize with sysusers table. Refer the system procedure
"sp_change_users_login" in books online. This will re-sync the logins and
"Jon" <> wrote in message
> I am accessing an s2k database from a web app using .net.
> My server died and I had to reinstall s2k and now I am
> getting "Execute permission denied" on my stored
> procedures. The web app has not changed so I infer that
> something's wrong with the setup on the database. The
> connection string is as follows:
> "Password=xxxx;Persist Security Info=True;User
> ID=WebUser;Initial Catalog=ScottWeb;Data
> Source=SRV;Trusted_Connection=Yes"
> WebUser exists and has owner permission on the db.
> Thanks for any help.|||To add to Hari's response, note that your connection string has conflicting
security credentials; both standard security (User ID and Password) and
Windows authentication (Trusted_Connection=Yes) are specified. To connect
with SQL authentication using the WebUser login, ensure your SQL Server is
configured to allow both Windows and SQL authentication and remove
Trusted_Connection from the connection string.
Hope this helps.
Dan Guzman
SQL Server MVP
"Jon" <> wrote in message
>I am accessing an s2k database from a web app using .net.
> My server died and I had to reinstall s2k and now I am
> getting "Execute permission denied" on my stored
> procedures. The web app has not changed so I infer that
> something's wrong with the setup on the database. The
> connection string is as follows:
> "Password=xxxx;Persist Security Info=True;User
> ID=WebUser;Initial Catalog=ScottWeb;Data
> Source=SRV;Trusted_Connection=Yes"
> WebUser exists and has owner permission on the db.
> Thanks for any help.

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