Sunday, February 19, 2012

Execute package results different to step by step execution - uses raw file

I have a package that has multiple data flow tasks. At the end of a task, key data is written into a raw file (file name stored in a variable) that is used as a data source for the next task. Each task requires a success from the preceding task.

Here's the rub:

If I execute the entire package, the results of the package (number of records of certain tasks) differs significantly from when I execute each step in the package in turn (many more records e.g. 5 vs 350).

I get the feeling that the Raw file is read into memory before it is flushed by the previous task, or that the next task begins preparation tasks too early.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

I am running on Server 2003 64 (although the same thing happens when deployed on a Server 2003 32 machine)



Hi Brian,


A workaround question/suggestion: Would staging the data between tasks in a database staging table work for you?

Just curious,


Hi Andy,

I was hoping someone has encountered this and has a quick fix - that said....

Short answer - yes - would probably work, but I would prefer not to (I don't really like using temporary tables if I can avoid them).

The data that is being stored in the files are new guids and their relationship to old composite ids, generated during the processing of the records. I guess that storing that information in a staging database is a possibility, but I would hate to have to re-work that entire block of code.

Ideally, if it can't be stored in raw files, then connection specific temporary tables would have been my next option - but those are not really available either.



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