Sunday, February 19, 2012

Execute Package Task always fails.

I have a package (i.e. child package) which runs itself perfectly fine without displaying any error.

However when I embeded this package inside another package (i.e. parent package) using Execute Package Task. The task always fails. It seems strange enough.

The child package has two variables that need to be passed in from parent package.

Can any expert here please help out? Thanks.

- Steve

What are the errors? Look in the output window and turn on some logging.|||

Error 1 Error loading Scheduling_F580021.dtsx: The connection "{34589715-3053-4b26-9769-0b8ecc198d85}" is not found. This error is thrown by Connections collection when the specific connection element is not found. C:\Scheduling_data.dtsx 1 1
here is the error:

I have kept getting this annoying error.


Just doulble check the connection manager that is being used by the Execute PAckage task. I would drop the connection mamanger and add it back from the Execute Package task: COnnection : <New Connection>.

Rafael Salas


Here is what I did to fix it ...

i delete the troubled child package completely, and rewrote it from the sratch. And it started to work.

Just as a reminder:

Please note that the old trouble child package contains some copy-and-pasted tasks (and connections) from parent package. I often use copy-and-paste to develop packages. Seems that there are some problem with it. Not sure if SSIS has a bug or something else.


The problem looks like it was with a task which had been pasted in. Most tasks actually store the connection ID, the "{34589715-3053-4b26-9769-0b8ecc198d85}" GUID, rather than the name, although you generally always see the name. If you see the GUID it normally means that the connection with that ID does not exist, and therefore it cannot translate the ID to the name for display and general use or validation. In otherwords the task refers to a connection that does not exist.

Using the ID over the name means that you can rename connections and stuff keeps working, but conversely means that you cannot just create a connecion with a matching name, and expect it to be the same.


you made a good point.

It should be more cautious to copy-and-paste tasks, connection, or packages for rapid SSIS development. A package works perfectly fine using copy-and-paste task/connection if it runs itself.

This does cause a pain when developing a complex package (parent-child package) if we cannot use copy-and-paste. Is Microsoft SSIS team aware of it or do they have any plan to fix it ?


Personally, I do not see that such pain you are taking about. If you are copying a DataFlow task from one package to another; you would need eventually to check or re-define your connection managers; since you may need the same combination of tasks but different connections. Changing the connection managers inside of a task is just a click and select from a dropdown list task.

In the other hand, if you need more than copying the dataFlow task, meaning you also need the references to the connection managers; then you are better creating a copy of the whole package and then adding and droping tasks/logic as needed

This is just my opinion...

Rafael Salas


I not only copy-paste tasks from parent package to child packages, I copy-paste all connections as well. I used the same connections which configures on the fly based on the ConnectionString. The connectionString is a variable which is assembled and determined at the runtime.

I also copy packages too all times. I use copy-paste on everything for rapid development. Somewhere, the strange errors come up when I tried to build a complex package (like grand-parent package). And it is very hard to debug. I know and have used debugging tools and logging as well. It can be painful without knowing the code behind the scene. I run all of packages with settings (i.e. connections, queries, and tasks) to be configured on the fly.


Perhaps you should look at making some packages re-usable if you do so much copy and paste. It is often easier said than done, but since you say you do it so much and you find this such an issue I'd be surprised if you could not get some reuse.

The benefit of the current behaviour is the ability to rename connections without breaking task references, something that got a lot of feedback during the beta, and for me that is very usefull. Make a suggestion though -


As a matter of fact, I have exploited a lot of reuse feature as much as I can.

Here is the scenario: Say, I need to develop 300 packages. I do not want to create a blank package to start with. Often times, I use Copy-and-paste some similar package and rename it. That could save me a lot of time. If I start with an existing package, it may save me a lot of time.


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