Sunday, February 19, 2012

Execute Package Task

I am using many Execute Package Tasks in a DTS packages to call a number of other DTS packages. The problem is that when I change one of the called DTS packages the execute package task does not run the updated packages. It looks like the execute package task references a Package ID guid instead of the name. Is there a way to make it so a change to a called DTS package will reflect in all references to it

Hi James,

I'd like to know whether you're using the DTS in SQL Server 2000 or SSIS in SQL Server 2005.

If the DTS package is on the same machine as it is running, it has to be fine. The execute package task references the package according to its name.

If you're working on SSIS in SQL Server 2005, please confirm if you have uploaded it to the server. As when you have modified it, it still remains on the client side.


Kevin, thanks for the response. I am using DTS and the package is on the same server. Though it is definatley referencing it by PackageID. If I use the DTSRun utility I can reference it by name. However, when use execute package inside another package it references it by PackageID

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