Friday, February 17, 2012

Execute dynamic generate SQL with length > 8000

I am now writing a stored procedure that will dynamically generate a
trigger base on a specific table structure. The generated trigger
script will have variable lenght, depends on how many columns are
defined inside the specific table.
I plan to generate the CREATE TIRGGER script on-the-fly and execute it,
but I comes with a problem that, if the script generated is longer than
8000, VARCHAR is simply cannot handle it. While the length of the
script is undeterministic, I cannot split the trigger script into a
constant number of VARCHAR variable. May I know if there is any
workaround on it ?
Thx~>I am now writing a stored procedure that will dynamically generate a
> trigger base on a specific table structure. The generated trigger
> script will have variable lenght, depends on how many columns are
> defined inside the specific table.
And this will really exceed 8000 characters? I think you will find that
this will be impossible to manage. Before you go down this route, I
strongly recommend reading, and
consider generating new triggers in your application as opposed to within a
stored procedure.
However note that you can execute longer strings quite simply.
DECLARE @.sql_1 VARCHAR(8000), @.sql_2 VARCHAR(8000)
SET @.sql_1 = '....'
SET @.sql_2 = '....'
EXEC(@.sql1 + @.sql2)|||John Shum ( writes:
> I am now writing a stored procedure that will dynamically generate a
> trigger base on a specific table structure. The generated trigger
> script will have variable lenght, depends on how many columns are
> defined inside the specific table.
> I plan to generate the CREATE TIRGGER script on-the-fly and execute it,
> but I comes with a problem that, if the script generated is longer than
> 8000, VARCHAR is simply cannot handle it. While the length of the
> script is undeterministic, I cannot split the trigger script into a
> constant number of VARCHAR variable. May I know if there is any
> workaround on it ?
I don't know what the purpose is, but to me this sounds like something
I would prefer to do in Perl or Visual Basic. Least of all I would
like to do it in T-SQL.
Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,
Books Online for SQL Server SP3 at

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