Sunday, February 26, 2012

Execute process task depending on query result

Hi Guys,

I wonder if you can help with the following requirement.

I want to be able to conditionally execute an 'execute process task' depending on the result of a query. I have a table which I will select one record/row from upon each execution, this record has a char 1 'type' field which is the indicator for what process to then execute.

This should be quite a simple package and will be run every 60 seconds so needs to be as efficient as possible.

I am thinking I should go along the lines of using an Execute SQL task to select my row in to a result set, and using a series of precedence expressions to determine what process to execute. But im not really sure how..... Smile

I am a newbie to SSIS and 2005 in general so would appreciate any help you can provide


You can use your Execute SQL Task to store the column value to a variable. This post explains how to do so (it uses Excel as the data source, but the process is the same for a SQL source)

Drag a precedence constaint from the Execute SQL to the Execute Process. Double-click the precedence constraint, change the Evaluation option to Expression and Constraint, set Value to success, and set the Expression to @.your_variable=="1" (replace 1 with the appropriate value for this task). Continue adding Execute Process tasks and precedence constraints, altering the expression as appropriate.

Hope this helps.


Thanks for your help!

All works

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