Friday, February 24, 2012

EXECUTE permission denied on [various DB objects] within SQL Express db

First attempt at using SQL Express developing web app. All works fine within VS2005 dev web server. However, after compiling and creating IIS7 site on same machine without changingconnectionString="Server=xxxx\SQLEXPVISTA;Database=ABCtest;Integrated Security=true" (SQLVISTA is named instance of SQL Express)

The only easy way I can avoid the 'EXECTUTE permissions denied...' is to give the NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE db_owner role membership. Should I worry? Or should I go through the objects individually and specify permissions? Eventually, this will be on public web server.

In advance, thanks.



From your description, it seems that you met "'EXECTUTE permissions denied..." error when you are trying to run your application from your IIS, right?

Based on my understanding, the cause of the issue is the account of IIS has not the permission to access your database. Generally, the ASPNET account is be authorized by default in your SQLExpress, so your application should work while running from the development server of VisualStudio. But when you deploy your application into IIS, the login account has changed, so you should add the login account into the logins of SQLExpress.


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