Sunday, February 19, 2012

Execute Mutiple Tasks In Debug Mode

Maybe I'm missing something, but I can't find how to run multiple tasks in sequence while in Visual Studio debug mode. In DTS design mode I grew accustomed to right-clicking tasks one-at-a time, but in SSIS I find the additional step of having to exit Debugging mode after every task gets old after a while.

There must be a way to start execution at a certain task and have the package continue all the way to some other specified task. It would also be nice to have every task in a Group execute in sequence and stop (even if connections continue beyond the group). I could even settle for repeatedly clicking the Continue button in Debug mode, but it's always grayed out when the current task is finished!

Can this be achieved by setting breakpoints?

I have previously requested "Execute from here" functionality in the control flow. You can vote for this request here:

Adding a comment would help as well.

In the meantime, you can place all required tasks into a sequence container, right click on the sequence container and select "Execute task". All tasks in the container will be executed.



Sequence container appears to be what I was looking for. Thanks. It seems obvious now that you've pointed it out, but features are easy to miss with so much new functionality.

I added some comments on your request.

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