Sunday, February 19, 2012

Execute Multiple SQL statements in Stored Proc

Hi, I have a table containing SQl statements. I need to extract the statements and execute them through stored procedure(have any better ideas?)

Table Test

Id Description

1 Insert into test(Id,Name) Values (1,'Ron')
2 Update Test Set Name = 'Robert' where Id = 1
3 Delete from Test where Id = 1

In my stored procedure, i want to execute the above statements in the order they were inserted into the table. Can Someone shed some light on how to execute multiple sql statements in a stored procedure. Thanks

ReoI hope this will help u.
--Insert statement
--insert into Test values(1, 'Insert into test(Id,Name) Values (1,''Ron'')')

declare @.sql varchar(8000)
select @.sql=Description from Test where Id=1
--print @.sql
exec (@.sql)|||Sounds like homework. What have you tried?

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