Friday, February 17, 2012

Execute msdb.dbo.sp_sqlagent_get_perf_counter

Need some help. I do not recall setting up to run
But it is running and taking up quite a bit of CPU time, about 60%, in the
server. Would it be ok if I kill it. Any benefit in running it?
I do not see it in the Jobs list, where is it set?
QIf you haven't defined any alerts, it is from the Demo
alerts installed by default. You can delete them if you
aren't using them.
The stored procedure checks performance conditions for
alerts. It won't run if you don't have any alerts defined.
If you do have alerts, it runs at a default of every 20
seconds which is in the registry under
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL
Under SQLServerAgent, the value for
PerformanceSamplingInterval is set in seconds. Setting it to
0 will disable this entirely if you aren't using any such
On Wed, 14 Dec 2005 17:46:02 -0800, "Q"
<> wrote:
>Need some help. I do not recall setting up to run
>But it is running and taking up quite a bit of CPU time, about 60%, in the
>server. Would it be ok if I kill it. Any benefit in running it?
>I do not see it in the Jobs list, where is it set?

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