Friday, February 17, 2012

Execute installation script.

Hello. I will export the database generated script for all objects, I want to make an installer that executes that script on the remote server, I think the installer must ask for sa password; anyway thats not the problem, How can I make with SMO execute an script file?


SMO expects you to either use the SMO object model to modify the database interactivly or else script the changes and run them externally later. If you are just executing SQL script, you can use sqlcmd.exe for that.

For something fancier that gets passwords and other user input and then runs the script, you would need to write a wrapper script/application to gather the user input and then send it off to the server.|||If you see DotNetNuke when you navigate to the first page it takes a lot of time, that page creates all the objects on the database taking as input some .sql file that are already on the package. However its in .net 1.1 and not 2.0 and I want to use SMO.

It seems to be very difficult because I havent find good info about this.

Tks|||Use Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database.ExecuteNonQuery Method with your script in parameter
(at first you must create a database)|||How can I Pass this method a .sql file?|||You can do something like:

using System.IO;

Server srv = new Server("MyServer");
string filePath = "c:\\create.sql";

FileStream file = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(file);

string s = sr.ReadToEnd();



|||I use this:

string script = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(file);

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