Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Execute DTS Package


I would like to REMOTELY execute a DTS Package stored on the server SQL2000. I would like to realize an application ( or able to execute from the client computer the dts package on the server. The application should be able to give to the user the information about the success/failure of the Package's steps. Is this possible?

this is my scenario:

Package stored in SQL2000 server (ServerA)

Application on client computer

Web server (in case to use on ServerB

Can anybody post some example/code/explanation?

Thank you!

This is a SSIS forum (not DTS).


An extremely simple way to execute dtexec remotely is to use psexec.exe, which can give you error,progress, and other info on standard out and standard error. When I say simple, I mean that it does not have all the features of a Package.Execute() based "listener", which one might code up.

psexec.exe \\ClientMachine dtexec.exe /f "c:\PackageRoot\Packages\SSIS.MyCompany.Project.Package.dtsx"

PSexec is available at


Sorry, i did not know where to post the message....Just tell me and i will do.

Thank you

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