Hi everyone,
For first time I'm testing this task and surprisingly, when I try "Edit Package" option:
1)The DTS host failed to load or save the package properly
2)The selected package cannot be opened
3)Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component
But after these messages you can see all the tasks but they haven't name!!
It seem as if RCW mechanism has failed between managed and unmanaged coded-partially.
I don't dare to follow doing more stuff, I don't know if that package is well-loaded or not from there. ??
Any guidance or idea about this?
Jamie? Darren?|||Do you mean that you are trying to open the DTS package from Management Studio via the Management->Legacy folder?If so, I had the same problem opening DTS packages even though I had the SQL2005_DTS.msi components installed.
When you open the package, you will get the 3 error messages and then the DTS Designer window will display the DTS package's tasks without names or correct icons. I've found that saving the opened package under a new DTS package : and then opening the new package will remove the error messages. You will be able to open the tasks and modify them, I still have to test if the new saved package works correctly. I will give you an update on this soon.|||
This is already answered here http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=124252&SiteID=1. We have to try this fix: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/917406/en-us
In my case, it's an x64 machine, the above fix doesnot work.. Anybody who has fixed this on x64 ?
Subhash Subramanyam
Hi Friends,
I got it working on the Method 2 posted here, but I wonder if it is a must to Install Enterprise Manager Client tools for an X64 to get rid of these errors.
Subhash Subramanyam
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