Monday, March 26, 2012

Executing an update command after subscription

I need to execute an update stored procedure once the subscription report
has run.
The only way I can find to do this is to add an extra TSQL step into the SQL
Agent job through SQL Management Studio. But whenever the subscription is
modified via report manager, the newly added TSQL step is deleted.
Is there a way to get around this?
GrantHello Grant,
My suggestion is create a new SQL Job and in this job, you could first
execute the job for the subscription and then you could add your extra
taskes. The schedule of this new job could be configured as you wish.
Once you create a subsciption in the report manager, the sql server agent
will create a job which have a GUID.
You could run the following TSQL statement to run the subscription job:
exec msdb..sp_start_job @.job_name='<GUID of the subscription job>'
Hope my suggestion will be helpful!
Wei Lu
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