Thursday, March 29, 2012

Executing password protected packages

Hi - I have a master package that executes a series of other packages. Each of these 'sub' packages has the security property Encryption Level set to 'EncryptSensitiveWithPassword'.

The master package has a series of file connections in the Connection Manager, one for each sub package, in which the password of the corresponding sub package is provided.

When I run the master package in BIDS (in interactive mode) it opens each of the sub packages, requests the password and gives the 'Document contains one or more lines of extremely long text' dialog box.

Is there any way to suppress the repeated password requests (seeing as it has already been provided in the Connection Manager) and warnings about long lines of text when executing the master package?

Thanks . . . Ed

There is no way to suppress the warnings about long lines of text - that is an annoying VS thing. Hopefully it will disappear in some upcoming service pack.

I don't know anything about the password requests thing I'm afraid.



Hey Jamie,

What's up buddy, long time no talk to...

How have you handled this encryption piece before when working working with many packages, ever use the encrypt sensitive by password, etc...?


Hiya Jason,

No, we never use encryption. We store passwords in .dtsconfig files.

I've just re-read Ed's initial post and realised why the prompt for a password is appearing. Simply its because the package has a password on it so whenever it opens up, you need to provide that password.

Ed, how are you supplying the password for each package within the connection manager?



Ah, that makes sense, thanks...

I would recommend you do this Ed, just to eliminate the annoyances of having to enter passwords all the time.


Hi Jamie

Apologies, my original post was badly worded . . . the password for the package is provided in the Execute Package task properties (the PackagePassword property).

Is this property ignored when the package is run in BIDS in interactive mode? Am I misunderstanding something?

Thanks . . . Ed


Ah right. Yes, that makes more sense :)

Running this in BIDS is just a peculiarity I guess. BIDS opens up a package, notices it has a password, and asks for the password. it'd be nice if BIDS were clever enough to say "Ah, this package is being executed from elsewhere, perhaps the password is supplied there".

I suspect that this would be very difficult to do though.


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