Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Executing multiple reports to form single document

Hi Everyone!
In my project I have lot of small small reports having the same criteria
e.g. Company and Years, the requirement here is to execute all these reports
and create a single document that can be delivered to customer's customer. I
am not able to find any such posting in this group or not able to find any
pointers on this.
Your help on this would be really appreciated.
Thanks in Advance
CloudsYou could use subreports as a way of combining your multiple reports. You
would have one "master" report that consisted of simply several subreports.
That would enable you to run the master and export it.
Mike G.
"Clouds" <Clouds@.discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> Hi Everyone!
> In my project I have lot of small small reports having the same criteria
> e.g. Company and Years, the requirement here is to execute all these
> reports
> and create a single document that can be delivered to customer's customer.
> I
> am not able to find any such posting in this group or not able to find any
> pointers on this.
> Your help on this would be really appreciated.
> Thanks in Advance
> --
> Clouds

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