Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Executing Oracle Stored Procedure with output parameters using ADO.NET connection

I am a bit confused by an issue that I am having with executing an Oracle stored procedure (with an output parameter) using an ADO.NET connection object. I am able to get this working using an OLEDB connection, but I have no idea why the ADO.NET connection doesn't work. (Bug, by design, or my ignorance?) Actually, I can even get this to work if I use the .NET Providers for OLE DB\Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ORACLE if we set the connectionType to ADO.NET. This is the error that I am receiving:

[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "pkg_utility_read.test_out_var " failed with the following error: "The OracleParameterCollection only accepts non-null OracleParameter type objects, not SqlParameter objects.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

It is also worth mentioning that the ORACLE stored procedure has an out parameter with a NUMBER datatype which I think maps to the ADO.NET Int32 datatype. I guess OLE DB datatypes are more closely mapped to ORACLE datatypes. In OLE DB you can set the parameter to double and the ORACLE stored procedure to NUMBER and it works.

Any help on this would be most appriciated.

hi Jason,

I got the same error. What driver are you using? I use .NET provider Oracle client data provider.

Can you also tell me how did you successfully invoke the stored proc using OLEDB for Oracle?

I have an sp with 1 input parameter of type Number and 14 output parameters some of type Number and some Varchar2.

Can you tell me the sql statement syntax to use and the parameter mapping to use. I know that the parameter name starts with 0,1,2...

Please help




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