Thursday, March 29, 2012

Executing rs utility.


I have two doubts :

1. The rs Utility has 2 arguments : -u username & -p password.

Is there any way by which we can use encryption/decryption for these parameters ?

2. Is there any way by which we can specify a url which indicates the machine name where the rs utility should be executed.

As rs utility would be present only on the machine where Reporting Services are installed. A way to specify the machine name where the rs utility should be executed would be helpful.

Thanks in advance.

1. No, unless you have custom security extension that knows how to decrypt them

2. The utility takes serverURL parameter.


Thanks for the replies.

1. Even if we have I have a custom security extension, the rs utility should know how to decrypt the username/password. Can you please explain in some detail of how to use custom security extension ?

2. The serverURL parameter which the utility takes is the reportServerURL. I was searching for scenario where in :The Reporting Services (rs utility) are installed on X machine and I want a way to say that execute the rs utility on the X machine from Y machine. Is there any way to do this.


1. A custom security extension (aka Forms-based Authentication) allows you to replace the default SSRS Windows-based security model, as explained in more details here.

2. So, your question is how to get an exe to execute on another box when I start it locally? I don't think you can do this.

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