Monday, March 26, 2012

executing analysis services query via openrowset

Can you kindly tell me what settings are required to execute an MDX statement via openrowset.

Currently I am executing it by impersonating my user (sql user) as "sa" account and everything goes ok.

The following is the query i am using

SELECT "[Dim Agent].[Dim Agent].[Dim Agent].[MEMBER_CAPTION]" AS AgentNumber,

"[Dim Application].[Dim Application].[Dim Application].[MEMBER_CAPTION]" AS ApplicationId,

ISNULL("[Dim Event].[Dim Event].&[1]",0) AS PropertyViews,

ISNULL("[Dim Event].[Dim Event].&[2]",0) AS ScheduleAShowing,

ISNULL("[Dim Event].[Dim Event].&[3]",0) AS ContactMe

FROM OpenRowset('MSOLAP.3',

'DATASOURCE=RIGGINS2\LFDB2; Initial Catalog=PicassoLnfWebMetric;Integrated Security=SSPI',

'SELECT {[Dim Event].[Dim Event].&[1],[Dim Event].[Dim Event].&[2],[Dim Event].[Dim Event].&[3]} ON COLUMNS,

NON EMPTY([Dim Agent].[Dim Agent].[Dim Agent] * [Dim Application].[Dim Application].[Dim Application]) ON ROWS

FROM [Lnf Web Metric] WHERE {([Dim Date].[Date].&[2007-05-20T00:00:00]:[Dim Date].[Date].&[2007-05-28T00:00:00],[Dim Agent].[Agent Status].&Angel), ([Dim Date].[Date].&[2007-05-20T00:00:00]:[Dim Date].[Date].&[2007-05-28T00:00:00],[Dim Agent].[Agent Status].[All].UNKNOWNMEMBER)}')

Can you kindly let me know what do i need to do to run this query by impersonating as some windows account?

Warm regards,


I don't think you can do this using OpenRowset(). You could try setting up a linked server and then using OpenQuery(). There are options when you set up a linked server that let you specify a security context. If your SQL and AS services are on the same machine you should be able to get this working, if they are on separate machines you would need to configure Kerberos authentication. (There are various whitepapers available on how to do this)|||can you redirect me to some whitepapers?|||

On configuring Kerberos? sure & - specifically relates to AS2005

On adding a linked server, you also have to make sure with AS that the provider is set to run In-process.

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