Thursday, March 29, 2012

Executing SP_SpaceUsed for tables in a other database with EXEC


I'm executing SP_SpaceUsed in a stored procedure like this :

Exec ('SP_SpaceUsed '+ @.table)

This works great but when i want to execute it for a table in a other
database i'm running in to troubles. Things i tried is this :

Exec ('USE <DB> ; SP_SpaceUsed '+ @.table) -->not working (uncorrect

Exec ('USE <DB> ; Master.dbo.SP_SpaceUsed '+ @.table) -->not working
(uncorrect syntax)

Exec ('SP_SpaceUsed <DB>.dbo.'+ @.table) --> not working (uncorrect

Exec ('Master.dbo.SP_SpaceUsed <DB>.dbo.'+ @.table) -->not working
(uncorrect syntax)

Could someone give me a clue


Hennie de (Hennie de Nooijer) wrote in message news:<>...
> Hi
> I'm executing SP_SpaceUsed in a stored procedure like this :
> Exec ('SP_SpaceUsed '+ @.table)
> This works great but when i want to execute it for a table in a other
> database i'm running in to troubles. Things i tried is this :
> Exec ('USE <DB> ; SP_SpaceUsed '+ @.table) -->not working (uncorrect
> syntax)
> Exec ('USE <DB> ; Master.dbo.SP_SpaceUsed '+ @.table) -->not working
> (uncorrect syntax)
> Exec ('SP_SpaceUsed <DB>.dbo.'+ @.table) --> not working (uncorrect
> syntax)
> Exec ('Master.dbo.SP_SpaceUsed <DB>.dbo.'+ @.table) -->not working
> (uncorrect syntax)
> Could someone give me a clue
> Thanx,
> Hennie de Nooijer

exec('exec ' + @.database + '..sp_spaceused ' + @.table)


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