Thursday, March 29, 2012

Executing SQL Server 2005 stored procedures on Windows 2003

I'm a new developer to both SQL Server 2005 & Windows 2003, so forgive me if this question seems a little too basic. I'm coming from a Oracle and UNIX background.

I've create a stored procedure in SQL Server 2005. I now want to execute this from the command line in Windows 2003. Eventually, I want our UNIX scheduler, autosys (which runs on a different UNIX machine obviously) to be able to execute this. In my old environment, I created a UNIX shell script as a wrapper let's say This shell script would accept as a parameter the name of the stored procedure I wanted to execute. If this stored procedure also had parameters it needed to be passed to it, I would have strung these values out in the command line in UNIX. Two examples of how the command line in UNIX I used to execute the Oracle stored procedure might look are listed below. sp_my_stored_procedure input_parm1 input_parm2 sp_different_stored_procedure input_parm1

This way anytime I created a new stored procedure, I could reuse the shell script wrapper and just pass in the name of the newly created stored procedure and any parameters it needed.

How can I accomplish this same type of functionality in the SQL Server 2005/Windows 2003 environment.

Thanks, Jim

You are looking for an oSql utility that will allow you to write command line SQL executions.

You can find it here



For SQL Server 2005, you really should use SQLCmd.exe (osql.exe is for backward compatibility.)

Documentation is available here.

|||If it help I heard about a book, SQL Server 2000 for the Oracle DBA .

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