Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I have a web application from where I need to execute a DTS,
my platform is SQL 2000 and .net 2003. From a Vb.net module I want to
execute the package, my question is: does the package need to be STRUCTURED
STORAGE FILE or could it be SQL SERVER package (local to the server) in
order to be executed from .NET.
- If I can execute the local SQL package , how can I do it?
- If I can only execute STRUCTURED STORAGE FILE, how can I get ride off of
the multiple versions that are created everytime the package is opened and I
make any update on it.
ThanksGina Hernandez wrote:
> Hello:
> I have a web application from where I need to execute a DTS,
> my platform is SQL 2000 and .net 2003. From a Vb.net module I want
> execute the package, my question is: does the package need to be STRUCTUR
> STORAGE FILE or could it be SQL SERVER package (local to the server) in
> order to be executed from .NET.
> - If I can execute the local SQL package , how can I do it?
> - If I can only execute STRUCTURED STORAGE FILE, how can I get ride off o
> the multiple versions that are created everytime the package is opened and
> make any update on it.
> Thanks
I assume you could go both ways, or you could use the dts com class in
.NET, without using a storage file or an sql package.
Steven|||> execute the package, my question is: does the package need to be
> STRUCTURED STORAGE FILE or could it be SQL SERVER package (local to the
> server) in order to be executed from .NET.
To expand on Steven's response, you can use the DtsPackage LoadFromSqlServer
or LoadFromStorageFile methods depending on the package location.

> how can I get ride off of the multiple versions that are created everytime
> the package is opened and I make any update on it.
If you delete the file before saving (or save to a new name and rename),
only the current version is saved.
Hope this helps.
Dan Guzman
SQL Server MVP
"Gina Hernandez" <pdwhitt@.nospam.wdsinc.com> wrote in message
> Hello:
> I have a web application from where I need to execute a DTS,
> my platform is SQL 2000 and .net 2003. From a Vb.net module I want
> to execute the package, my question is: does the package need to be
> STRUCTURED STORAGE FILE or could it be SQL SERVER package (local to the
> server) in order to be executed from .NET.
> - If I can execute the local SQL package , how can I do it?
> - If I can only execute STRUCTURED STORAGE FILE, how can I get ride off
> of the multiple versions that are created everytime the package is opened
> and I make any update on it.
> Thanks

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