Monday, March 26, 2012

Executing commands in parallel

I have the need to run multiple SQL commands (like osql and bcp) in parallel
from a single bat file. To describe this a little clearer...
While executing a single .BAT file, I want to be able to execute 3 OSQL
commands in parallel. Currently I have to run these 3 serially and it takes
too long.
Is there any way from within a single bat file that I could have 3 OSQL
commands running at the same time?
Thanks in advance."TJT" <> wrote in message
> I have the need to run multiple SQL commands (like osql and bcp) in
> from a single bat file. To describe this a little clearer...
> While executing a single .BAT file, I want to be able to execute 3 OSQL
> commands in parallel. Currently I have to run these 3 serially and it
> too long.
> Is there any way from within a single bat file that I could have 3 OSQL
> commands running at the same time?
start osql.exe . . .
start osql.exe . . .
start osql.exe . . .
From a command prompt type
start /?
for help with the start command.

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