Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Executing MDX StoredProcedures using AdomdClient.dll

Hi fellow developers,

At the moment, i have a SSAS 2005 installed and a working cube on it. Everything is working fine. However i want to have an ASP.NET Page to access some of the data in the cube and present it.

Well this would be no problem at all, if i use the AdomdClient and send queries over it, but this destroy my layer architecture. I dont want any Queries in my Application, but in the SQL Server.

When i used a sql server database i always used stored procedures to access the data because of security and consistence.

Now is there a possible way to create MDX Stored Procedures and execute them with the Adomd API like i did with sql server databases?

Or other clean solutions like creating mdx libraries on server and access it with the client?

I appreciate your help.



PS: If you find any gramatically mistakes, keep em :-))

Moving to SQL Server Analysis Services forum.


|||So far there is no support for stored procedures. There is support for parameterized queries though.

So you do not want ASP.NET code contain explicit text of MDX queries, right? What is your real goal here? Do you want to hide the text of the MDX queries from the writer of ASP.NET code?

How about creating some .NET component accepting a reference to the connection object, a name of the "stored procedure" and list of parameters? The component would fetch the real text from some other store, use the passed connection and parameters and pass the query to the server. Then return the results back to the client.

This is really not that useful, but maybe it will cover your goal.|||

Hi Andrew

Thanks for your answer.

Well the goal would be that, other applications could access the same Queries, without copying the Queries in their application code. However we decided in the meanwhile that we use the queries in the code, because we dont have any time to search other clean solutions :-)

But still i am interested in a clean splitted Query Logic -> Application Logic solution. If anyone knows? Please let me know.



|||By other applications you probably mean those also developed by you, right? The applications could load the component. It could also accept references to a store of MDX queries so that different scenarios would load different stores and keep the queries in memory (so that not to have performance problems in multithreaded scenarios).sql

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