Thursday, March 29, 2012

executing SP

I have stored procedure with parameters.
Can I exec stored procedure somehow with result set of select statement, for
exec dbo.myProcedure (select par1,par2,par3 FROM myTable)
Or I must declare each parameter:
declare @.par1 int,@.par2 int,@.par3 int
SELECT @.par1= par1,@.par2=par2,@.par3=par3 FROM myTable
and then exec my procedure:
exec dbo.myProcedure @.par1,@.par2,@.par3
In real example I have a lot of columns and declaring many of them just to
execute another SP is not so pleasent.
lp,S>> Can I exec stored procedure somehow with result set of select statement,
No, a SELECT statement returns a set of rows. A Stored procedure cannot take
a set of rows for its parameter -- it has to be scalar values. So you have
to explicitly assign individual variables to pass them as parameters.
Anith|||To add to what Anith said, build yourself a query from the
information_schema.columns view to build the parm list, especially if you do
this often.
Louis Davidson -
SQL Server MVP
"simon" <> wrote in message
>I have stored procedure with parameters.
> Can I exec stored procedure somehow with result set of select statement,
> for example:
> exec dbo.myProcedure (select par1,par2,par3 FROM myTable)
> Or I must declare each parameter:
> declare @.par1 int,@.par2 int,@.par3 int
> SELECT @.par1= par1,@.par2=par2,@.par3=par3 FROM myTable
> and then exec my procedure:
> exec dbo.myProcedure @.par1,@.par2,@.par3
> In real example I have a lot of columns and declaring many of them just to
> execute another SP is not so pleasent.
> lp,S
If you want to create the procedure you could run the query as a SELECT INTO
statement (possibly with WHERE 1=0 to stop any rows being returned!) you
will get a table with the column names and datatypes. This can be scripted
in the object browser into a window and edited (you may want to remove
collations and add @. to the names!)
If you already have the procedure definition then look at
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS as already suggested.
"simon" <> wrote in message
>I have stored procedure with parameters.
> Can I exec stored procedure somehow with result set of select statement,
> for example:
> exec dbo.myProcedure (select par1,par2,par3 FROM myTable)
> Or I must declare each parameter:
> declare @.par1 int,@.par2 int,@.par3 int
> SELECT @.par1= par1,@.par2=par2,@.par3=par3 FROM myTable
> and then exec my procedure:
> exec dbo.myProcedure @.par1,@.par2,@.par3
> In real example I have a lot of columns and declaring many of them just to
> execute another SP is not so pleasent.
> lp,S

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