Friday, March 23, 2012

executing a package with dtexec.exe

when I run the following from the command prompt I am getting an error saying that can not set the variable Status as int.

dtexec /File "C:\work\SSIS Packages\Dataflow\ControlRoom.dtsx" /SET

\Package.Variables[ChannelCode].Value;"test" /SET


both variables as you can see are in the top level.
the problem is that ChannelCode is string but Status is Integer.
if I take out the /SET \Package.Variables[Status].Value;1 part from the command line it will work fine. I think th eproblem is down to diffenrt types of variable as there are two types of String and Interger.

any ideas on what the problem migth be.
p.s. I am runnning SQL server 2005 Dev edition (without any SP)
CheersAre you sure [Status] is an integer in your package?

What happens when you run it with:
/SET \Package.Variables[Status].Value;"1"|||yes it is Integer and don't want to change it to string as I have ament that in few places in my package|||Have you tried DTexecUI to set those values and see how the command line gets generated?|||this is what get's generated

/FILE "C:\work\SSIS Packages\Dataflow\ControlRoom.dtsx" /MAXCONCURRENT " -1 " /CHECKPOINTING OFF /REPORTING EW /SET "\Package.Variables[ChannelCode].Value";Test /SET "\Package.Variables[Status].Value";1
but I'm getting the same problem
back to square one|||Can you please post the exact error?|||I'm getting

Started: 4:56:31 PM
Error: 2007-03-26 16:56:33.37
Code: 0xC0017006
Source: ControlRoom
Description: The expression "@.Status == 1" must evaluate to True or False. Ch
ange the expression to evaluate to a Boolean value.
End Error
Error: 2007-03-26 16:56:33.37
Code: 0xC0014021
Source: ControlRoom

as it does a check against the Status value that I'm loading from the command prompt.
if I specify (hardcode) the variable value inside the package it will work fine, this happens only when I try to pass the value from command prompt
Thanks|||Do you have EvaluateAsExpression set to false when you need to have it set to true somewhere?

I don't think we have all of the pieces of the puzzle here, but it seems that "@.Status == 1" is being passed in as a string, not a conditional check.|||sorry, I think it's my fault as I didn't plain a clear picture.
I am passing the variable Status from command prompt and inside the package it trys to check if the passes value is 1
as the Status value is not getting passed from the command prompt and the default value of @.Status in the package is to 0, the condition fails.

now if I hardcode the default value of @.status in the package to 1 and do not try to pass the value for status from command prompt. it work perfectly!
I hope this makes it clear|||And the scope of the variable is correct? You don't have two variables of the same name in different scopes, do you? This can happen.

For instance, you could have a Status variable of package scope and have a Status variable of data flow scope in the same package.|||I thought that this might be the issue but I'm looking at all the variables across the whole package and there isn't any other one with the same name. @.Status is the only and as you can see it is at the top level so it is visible by all the sub tasks.

Kolf wrote:

I thought that this might be the issue but I'm looking at all the variables across the whole package and there isn't any other one with the same name. @.Status is the only and as you can see it is at the top level so it is visible by all the sub tasks.

Yep, I can see that, but just because it's visible to subtasks doesn't mean that the subtasks can't have their own variable of the same name, that's why I asked.|||

Kolf wrote:

... and inside the package it trys to check if the passes value is 1 ...

How are you doing this? Where are you doing this? Control flow, data flow, conditional split, derived column, etc...|||in the varaible windows I click on a button called show user variable and that displays all the variables define with in that package and I have just one variable called @.Status which is Int32

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