Friday, March 23, 2012

Executing a package multiple times in parallel - can't see it in the GUI

I am calling a package 4 times, in parallel, from a parent package. It
would be really nice if I could see 4 instances of this package in the GUI so I can see what each is doing.

Is that possible?

-JamieJamie, thanks for the feedback. The designer experience here is a little rough. I don't think we'll be able to do anything about it for now.
Please open a bug and we'll take a look for V.Next.
One thing you might try is to log progress and open the log whenever you want to see progress.
K|||Done. Track ID 642775426

Incidentally Kirk, did you see my post "Rowcounts don't appear" which is along a similar theme.

|||Yep, saw that Jamie. Thanks a heap. Have already put it into the V.Next "Think hard about this one" bucket.
K|||Cool. Cos I have to be honest, that's a major irritation for me at the moment cos of the huge (and I do mean HUGE) datasets I've been working with.


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