Monday, March 19, 2012

Execute Stored Procedure option missing from Object Explorer

The option when you right click on a stored procedure to Execute where
it then pops up a nice helper dialog to fill out the parameters is
missing in my SQL Server Management Studio console. The funny thing is
that it was there at one time when I had upgraded from MSDE to SQL
Server Express and installed the SSMS Express. When I got a hold of
and installed the full version of the studio tools on top of that,
stuff was not working correctly like diagrams and books online. So I
uninstalled everything and then reinstalled SQL Server Express and SQL
Server Tools from the SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition DVD. Now that
nice feature is missing from SMSS. Does anyone know how I can get that
option back?Hi Mark
On my RTM version of SQL Server 2005 (Developer Edition) there is an
"Execute Stored Procedure..." option when you right click the procedure whic
will allow you to do this, there is also the "EXECUTE to.." option on the
"Script Stored Procedure as" menu. I am not sure what is available in
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express.
"Mark" wrote:

> The option when you right click on a stored procedure to Execute where
> it then pops up a nice helper dialog to fill out the parameters is
> missing in my SQL Server Management Studio console. The funny thing is
> that it was there at one time when I had upgraded from MSDE to SQL
> Server Express and installed the SSMS Express. When I got a hold of
> and installed the full version of the studio tools on top of that,
> stuff was not working correctly like diagrams and books online. So I
> uninstalled everything and then reinstalled SQL Server Express and SQL
> Server Tools from the SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition DVD. Now that
> nice feature is missing from SMSS. Does anyone know how I can get that
> option back?
>|||Thanks for the reply. I have the RTM version of SQL Server 2005
Developer Edition installed (just the tools, not the engine). You have
the open "Execute Stored Procedure..." and its missing on my
installation and we have the same version installed. Anyone know how
to get the option back?|||I just noticed something. I was connected to a SQL Server 2000
instance and I noticed that the option "Execute Stored Procedure.." was
available when I right clicked on a stored procedure. So I opened a
connection to my local SQL Server 2005 Express instance and the option
is not there. There must be something different in the configuration
of the database that I cannot see.|||Hi
The databases I used were upgrade from SQL 2000. Have you check that your
are granted execute permission to this procedure?
"Mark" wrote:

> I just noticed something. I was connected to a SQL Server 2000
> instance and I noticed that the option "Execute Stored Procedure.." was
> available when I right clicked on a stored procedure. So I opened a
> connection to my local SQL Server 2005 Express instance and the option
> is not there. There must be something different in the configuration
> of the database that I cannot see.
>|||This is happening on all my stored procedures. I am logged on using
Windows authentication and I am an administrator. And I can execute it
by writing a query or using the Script Stored Procedure As... EXECUTE
to. But for grins, I granted explicit permissions for me to execute a
stored procedure. It did not work. Thanks for the suggestion.
Anyone else?|||Hi
The only other suggestion I can think of is to try a fresh install on a
different machine.
"Mark" wrote:

> This is happening on all my stored procedures. I am logged on using
> Windows authentication and I am an administrator. And I can execute it
> by writing a query or using the Script Stored Procedure As... EXECUTE
> to. But for grins, I granted explicit permissions for me to execute a
> stored procedure. It did not work. Thanks for the suggestion.
> Anyone else?
>|||Mark ( writes:
> This is happening on all my stored procedures. I am logged on using
> Windows authentication and I am an administrator. And I can execute it
> by writing a query or using the Script Stored Procedure As... EXECUTE
> to. But for grins, I granted explicit permissions for me to execute a
> stored procedure. It did not work. Thanks for the suggestion.
> Anyone else?
Unfortunately, this sounds completely strange to me. Particularly when you
say that you see EXECUTE when you connect to an SQL 2000 Server. It is as
if Mgmt Studio had a per-server configuration for what is to be in the
menus. But I have never heard of such a setting.
I suggest that you log a bug at It is not likely that
it will lead to anything, as I guess that you are not able to produce
a reproducible scenario. (Yes, it's reproducible on your machine, but
your machine is not in Redmond.) But maybe if you are lucky, someone
knows about the secret switch.
If possible, it would be interesting to hear what happens if you connect
to a second SQL 2005 instance.
Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,
Books Online for SQL Server 2005 at
Books Online for SQL Server 2000 at

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