Monday, March 12, 2012

Execute SSIS Package Job fails

Hey Folks,

I've got here a strange Problem. If I try to execute the SQL Server Agent Job, that executes my SSIS Package, it fails. The job succeedes when I run the Job as the Proxy, that maps on the User, that has deployed the Package, or when I run the Job under an System Administrator Proxy. Now my Question - how must I set up an Service-Account, which is no Admin and not has deployed the Package?

I already know, that the User has to be in the sysadmin role, and in all msdb SQLAgent*

Thanks and greez


I assume the service account is suitable for running SQL Agent. To be sure you may want to review this rather long BOL topic "Setting Up Windows Service Accounts" (ms-help://MS.SQLCC.v9/MS.SQLSVR.v9.en/instsql9/html/309b9dac-0b3a-4617-85ef-c4519ce9d014.htm), but plenty of good info buried in there.

So if the job fails when using the base service account rather than a higher privileged proxy it says to me that the service account does not have correct permissions. If it errors, then you need to find out why. Here are some tips on doing just that, in particular look at using a CmdExec step, and the Package Store File Permissions section.

Scheduled Packages

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