Monday, March 12, 2012

Execute SSIS package from asp.Net


I am a newbie to SSIS. I am trying to execute a simple package that I created from my ASP.Net application.

I get the error 'DTSER_FAILURE'. Can anyone help?


Turn on logging, or supply an implementation of IDtsEvents interface to Execute() method to find out some information about the error.

By the way, the most common problem: security, the package is executed under ASP.NET service account, not your domain account.|||

Thanks for the reply.

I turned on the logging. However, no entires are made in the log file.

I thought that there would be some security issues,

> the package is executed under ASP.NET service account, not your domain account.

How do I address this?


HoustonRocket wrote:

> the package is executed under ASP.NET service account, not your domain account.

How do I address this?

Depends on what you mean by "address". This might be quite OK in some situations, but might be not in others. Just something to be aware of.

If you want the package to be executed in different context, use other ways to execute it, rather than invoke it from object model. A common way is to create SQL Agent job and then execute it using Agent's stored procedures. Another way is to execute package using DtExec under different account (see ProcessStartInfo.UserName and ProcessStartInfo.Password).



I tried to create a job and add the package as a 'step'. That didnt work either and I got the error


The specified '@.subsystem' is invalid

Here's what I am trying to do:

I created a package which grabs the data from excel file and populates sql server 2005 DB - simple. This package executes if I run it from the business intelligence studio.

I want to achieve two things

1) Create a job that will schedule the package to run twice a day

2) Execute this package from an code.


ok another question

I ran the dbo.sp_enum_sqlagent_subsystems and the result does not list SSIS package.

How can I include the SSIS package as a subsystem ?

|||Strange. Are you connected to SQL 2005 system? Have you installed SSIS (a checkbox during SQL install).

Try connecting to SQL using SQL Server Management Studio, can you create new jobs that use SSIS subsystem?

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