Monday, March 12, 2012

Execute SQL2000 PAckage in 2005


Could you please help me on this issue.It is URgent .I am new to SSIS.

I am using DTS package in SSIS. I Have an SQLTask and DTS Package. I want to fail the SSIS PAckage when DTS 2000 Package Fails. I want to know How to populate the failure of DTS PAcage to SSIS PAcage.When i execute the SSIS Package the DTSPAckage task Failed Internally but it styays yellow for is not showing red Color in SSIS Package.Any help is greatyly appreciated.



What version of SSIS are you using? What does your DTS 2000 package do? When I execute a DTS 2000 package that fails, "Execute DTS 2000 package" task fails in SSIS with the error message "Task Execute DTS 2000 Package Task failed".

May be you can double check to see if the execution of DTS 2000 package is successful in DTS.

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