Monday, March 12, 2012

Execute SQL Task: UDF not taking parameters


I have an Execute SQL Task in my SSIS Package.
Now, this Execute SQL Task has the following query (Connection Type is OLE DB):

Code Snippet

SELECT dbo.udf_CommonDateTime_Get (GetDate(), ?) As User_Datetime

I want 2 things from this Task:
1) It should take the 2nd argument to the UDF from a variable.
2) It should store the value returned by this SELECT statement into another variable.

So, I go ahead and modify the Parameter Mapping for the Task. Here I add the Input variable name, Data type and I give the Parameter Name as 0.

I also modify the Result Set for the Task. Here, I specify the Result Name as User_Datetime and give the appropriate Variable Name.

I am getting an error here and I believe it is due to the input parameter. The UDF is not getting the 2nd argument correctly.

My questions:
1) Has the Execute SQL Task been designed to handle UDFs like this. If not, then where am I going wrong?
2) What is the work-around for this? I need to pass a parameter (variable) to the UDF.

Thanks in advance.


The error message is:

Code Snippet

Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "SELECT dbo.udf_Common_DateTime_Get (GetDate(), ?)

As User_Datetime" failed with the following error: "Syntax error, permission violation, or other nonspecific error". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

Task failed: Set UserDateTime

As a workaround, you could you create a new variable to store your sql statement. Set the 'EvaluateAsExpression' property of the variable to 'true'. Then set the expression like this...

"SELECT dbo.udf_CommonDateTime_Get (GetDate()," + user::VariableNameHere + ") As User_Datetime"

Then in 'SourceVariable' property of the execute sql statement to 'Variable' and then choose the variable name.


Hi Martin,

Thank you for the reply. At least it gives me some hope Smile

Unfortunately, I am getting this error:

Code Snippet

The expression for variable "varQuery" failed evaluation. There was an error in the expression.

If I remove the user::VariableNameHere part, it works fine...

Any ideas?

Thanks again.




You replaced user::VariableNameHere with the actual name of your variable correct?



It worked!!

Thank you so much!!

I had to do this:

Code Snippet

"SELECT dbo.udf_CommonDateTime_Get(GETDATE(), " + (DT_WSTR, 1) @.[User::VariableName] + ") As UserDateTime"

The only thing worries me is that @.[User::VariableName] can be NULL.

I will have to handle that.

Thanks again.



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