Monday, March 26, 2012

Executing a unit of work without replication

We are using SQL Server 2000 on Win2003.
I would like to do something like the following on a replicated system.
<Some insert, update or delete SQL>
Is there any way to achieve this non-replicated transaction with SQL
Server. This needs to be an on-line activity in parallel with other
replicated transactions.
if there is something about the nature of the update you can
encapsulate logic into your replication stored procedures to skip these
transactions. For instance if you have a column which has a unique
value for this type of work you do not want replicated you could trap
for this value in the replication stored procedures.
Another option is to put filters on your articles which look like this
select * from publishedtables where 1=1
Then in your filter procs change them to always return 0 when you want
these transactions skipped. When you want replication to pick up
transactions again, change it to 1.
|||Thanks Hilary. I was hoping for something a little less invasive, but I
can make a solution similar to the one you describe work for me.

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