Monday, March 26, 2012

Executing an string on MS SQL from .Net

Hi there,

I have this:

Dim strSQL As String = "SELECT * FROM GrupoRegistro WHERE Fecha BETWEEN '" & fini & "' AND '" & ffin & "' AND (g.IDTipoCliente = 5) OR g.Fecha BETWEEN '" & fini & "' AND '" & ffin & "' AND (g.IDTipoCliente = 3)"

How do I execute on .Net? I am using VWD2005 Express Edition and MS SQL 2000 server on a WinXp pro with MS Framework 2.0

I am using o trying and some variants :
<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="strsqlvar" DefaultValue="strsql.string" />

And it doesn′t work... any help will e well apreciated. thank u in advance.

Lesson number "8" here might help:


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