Friday, March 23, 2012

Executing a queries contained in a column of a table IN SQL Server.

I have a Table that contains SQL queries in one of its columns.I need to execute those query and finally want to retrive the result in another table i cannot use Cursors,Its working extremely slow, near about 1 min only for 2000 rows.Please tell me how can i minimize my time.Or any solution (without cursor) for such problem.Please help its very urgent.
e.g Say TableContainQuery(PKID,QueryField)
Now above table have 10000 of records,
I need to retrieve data from by executing queries contain in above table. I am using SQL Server.


Using SQL Server, queries that are slow are generally slow because there are not proper indexes on the tables involved.
Have you ensured that there are useful indexes on the tables involved?|||Yes,
There is a primary key in the table I suppose indexing will automatically done.
Dheeraj Verma|||No, indexing, other than indexes you created, willnot automatically be done. If all your queries use only columns involved in the primary keys, then you are fine. However, if your query references other columns in joins or where clauses, you must add indexes yourself.

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