Wednesday, March 21, 2012

executing (from sql server 2000) procedures from oracle package through linkserv

I deaply need to know how to execute procedures from package in oracle, from sqlserver 2000 using linkserver.
Thank you very much,
DBAJust ot clarify: are you trying to execute an Oracle Stored procedure using SQL Server with the Oracle server configured as a Linked Server?

Or are you trying to execute a SQL stored procedure from Oracle?

Sorry, I wasn't entirely clear on your intent from your question.


hmscott|||Well .. you cant directly execute a stored procedure in ORACLE from SQL Server

If you really need to do that .. here is a get around

1. Create a table in Oracle .. lets say execProc
2. On update of the table make a trigger in oracle to execute a stored procedure.
3. Update the oracle table through linked server query

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