Monday, March 26, 2012

Executing BCP statement throws out the error


When I execute a simple BCP statement as shown below. It throws out an error message as pasted below. Any help on this is highly appreciated.

Use master
Exec xp_cmdshell 'bcp "select * from Mydb..Records" queryout "D:\Book1.xls" -U [sa] -P [pwd] -c'

SQLState = S1010, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Function sequence error


No replies to this question? We are using sp_oamethod and when calling the bcp.exe, getting the same error message.|||

can you provide some sample data and DDL?

|||There seemed to be a limit in the temp table for the bcp into a file. If the table contained 20 or less rows, it worked correctly. If the table had 21 + rows, then the bcp failed (the temp table was created and populated during the execution of a proc that then would bcp the data to a file). We ended up replacing the select statement with the temp table name and using "out" instead of "queryout". That fixed the problem. We can not explain what the reason was though.|||

I had the same problem, only instead of Excel files I was using XML files.

Anyway, it looks like it is an internal SQL Server error, and after restarting SQL Server, everything was back to normal.


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