Monday, March 26, 2012

executing arbitrary statements in mdx

for example if I want to get a feel for how a particular function operates, can I do something like this ...

select {cdate("1/1/2005")} on columns

from [itdev1 hk]

what would be the correct syntax?

Hello! My recommendation is to start with simple MDX expression like calculated members.

Here is a good site wih a lot of MDX tutorials for beginners and advanced users:

Look for William.E.Pearson


Thomas Ivarsson

|||It usually looks something like this:

Code Snippet

WITH MEMBER [Measures].[TestMeasure] AS 'cdate("1/1/2005")'
SELECT {[Measures].[TestMeasure]} ON COLUMNS

I can't remember if you need a FROM when you aren't referring to any real dimensions/measures. If it complains, just point it at a cube.

note: i did need to put in a cube name, and after that it worked great.

nice one!


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