Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Executin SQL statement from variable in functions

Hello All

Within my function depends on value forming a SQL statement

As Example

set @.SqlString = 'select ' + @.ColumnName + ' from ' + @.tableName + ' where ' + @.whereCond

How can i execute this Statement. within function

Thanks in advance


> Within my function depends on value forming a SQL statement

Sorry, no can do, you cannot execute dynamic SQL in a function. Maybe you

meant to use a stored procedure, not a function.


I can change function to stored procedure within storedprocedure how can i execute a dynamic SQL

My requirement is to open cursor with dynamic SQL.
table name, columns list and conditions are depends on user parameters


> My requirement is to open cursor with dynamic SQL.

You need a cursor and dynamic SQL. Fantastic. First, please read this:

Then, if you can give better specs, maybe we can help.

|||looks like the site was down (

is there a way i can a open cursor with dynamic sql.

Our requirement is we have set of related tables with different data but all integer columns

We are trying to create few statistical functions/procs So user can pass Table name and column name and optionally any conditions, so that my function/procs returns results.


Sorry, typo

> looks like the site was down

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