Wednesday, March 21, 2012

ExecuteXmlReader error code 0x80040E21

I can't seem to do anything with sqlxml from the .net managed classes
without getting this error. This a simple test case I've been running
from a console app...
string err;
string connstr = "Data Source=;Integrated Security=false;User
ID=sa;Initial Catalog=WebPlus;Password=;Provider=SQLOLEDB;";
SqlXmlCommand cmd = new SqlXmlCommand(connstr);
cmd.CommandText = "select product_id, name_display from tc_products
XmlReader xr = cmd.ExecuteXmlReader();
catch (SqlXmlException e)
e.ErrorStream.Position = 0;
StreamReader errreader = new StreamReader(e.ErrorStream);
err = errreader.ReadToEnd();
It enters into the catch block but the error is always blank.
I don't ever see anything in sql profiler. Both columns in the select
are char types. The sql runs ok in query analyzer.
I'm running 1.0 and sql 2000 on xp sp2. Here are the other
versions I have...
sqlxml (sp3) - 3.2.2917.0 - 7.0.9466 framework - 1.0.3705
Hi Scott,
Is there some information in e.Message? There should be details about the
error either in the exception message or in the error stream.
Thank you,
"Scott Walters" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I can't seem to do anything with sqlxml from the .net managed classes
> without getting this error. This a simple test case I've been running
> from a console app...
> string err;
> try
> {
> string connstr = "Data Source=;Integrated Security=false;User
> ID=sa;Initial Catalog=WebPlus;Password=;Provider=SQLOLEDB;";
> SqlXmlCommand cmd = new SqlXmlCommand(connstr);
> cmd.CommandText = "select product_id, name_display from tc_products
> XmlReader xr = cmd.ExecuteXmlReader();
> catch (SqlXmlException e)
> {
> e.ErrorStream.Position = 0;
> StreamReader errreader = new StreamReader(e.ErrorStream);
> err = errreader.ReadToEnd();
> errreader.Close();
> }
> It enters into the catch block but the error is always blank.
> I don't ever see anything in sql profiler. Both columns in the select
> are char types. The sql runs ok in query analyzer.
> I'm running 1.0 and sql 2000 on xp sp2. Here are the other
> versions I have...
> sqlxml (sp3) - 3.2.2917.0
> - 7.0.9466
> .net framework - 1.0.3705
> Thanks,
> Scott
|||e.Message = "Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040E21."
The e.ErrorStream length is 0. The message is blank.
I also checked my mdac version. It's 2.8 sp1.
Amar Nalla [MS] wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> Is there some information in e.Message? There should be details about the
> error either in the exception message or in the error stream.
> Thank you,
> Amar
> "Scott Walters" <> wrote in message
> news:%23drP7Rc7EHA.2700@.TK2MSFTNGP14.phx.gbl...
|||Can you try the below:
ComException ce;
ce = (COMException) ex.InnerException();
ce.ErrorCode; //This will give you the error code.
ce.Message; //This will give you the error message
You will need to include
using System.Runtime.InteropServices
I am not sure why you don't see more details in the error stream and the
outer exception. If you see the actual error using this method then please
let me know as I would like to investigate why this error is not visible
Thank you,
Amar Nalla
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights
"Scott Walters" <> wrote in message
> e.Message = "Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040E21."
> The e.ErrorStream length is 0. The message is blank.
> I also checked my mdac version. It's 2.8 sp1.
> Scott
> Amar Nalla [MS] wrote:
|||Root is missing in your SQL. Try,

> cmd.CommandText = "select product_id, name_display from tc_products FOR
> XML AUTO, elements, root('a')";
instead of,

> cmd.CommandText = "select product_id, name_display from tc_products FOR
Pohwan Han. Seoul. Have a nice day.
"Scott Walters" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I can't seem to do anything with sqlxml from the .net managed classes
> without getting this error. This a simple test case I've been running from
> a console app...
> string err;
> try
> {
> string connstr = "Data Source=;Integrated Security=false;User
> ID=sa;Initial Catalog=WebPlus;Password=;Provider=SQLOLEDB;";
> SqlXmlCommand cmd = new SqlXmlCommand(connstr);
> cmd.CommandText = "select product_id, name_display from tc_products FOR
> XML AUTO"; XmlReader xr = cmd.ExecuteXmlReader();
> catch (SqlXmlException e)
> {
> e.ErrorStream.Position = 0;
> StreamReader errreader = new StreamReader(e.ErrorStream);
> err = errreader.ReadToEnd();
> errreader.Close();
> }
> It enters into the catch block but the error is always blank.
> I don't ever see anything in sql profiler. Both columns in the select are
> char types. The sql runs ok in query analyzer.
> I'm running 1.0 and sql 2000 on xp sp2. Here are the other versions
> I have...
> sqlxml (sp3) - 3.2.2917.0
> - 7.0.9466
> .net framework - 1.0.3705
> Thanks,
> Scott
|||root() in FOR XML does not work in SQL 2000 (only 2005).
However, there should be a root property on the provider or you need to fake
it using a select '<a>' select '</a>' before and after the command...
Best regards
"Han" <> wrote in message
> Root is missing in your SQL. Try,
> instead of,
> --
> Pohwan Han. Seoul. Have a nice day.
> "Scott Walters" <> wrote in message
> news:%23drP7Rc7EHA.2700@.TK2MSFTNGP14.phx.gbl...
|||Really. By the way, that reminds me of dogs trying to bite their own tails.
IIRC, multiple selects with ExecuteXmlReader, not legacy ADO stream, doesn't
work. Tomorrow in my office I will check that again.
"Michael Rys [MSFT]" <> wrote in message
> root() in FOR XML does not work in SQL 2000 (only 2005).
> However, there should be a root property on the provider or you need to
> fake it using a select '<a>' select '</a>' before and after the
> command...
> Best regards
> Michael
> "Han" <> wrote in message
> news:OcrHfdX8EHA.2600@.TK2MSFTNGP09.phx.gbl...
|||Drilling down on the com exception in the debugger, I also noticed a
com+ exception code and a stack trace. I tried error lookup on the code
but it wasn't found.
StackTrace" at
Microsoft.Data.SqlXml.Common.ISQLXMLCommandManaged Interface.ExecuteToOutputStream()
at Microsoft.Data.SqlXml.SqlXmlCommand.innerExecute(S tream strm)"string
Scott Walters wrote:[vbcol=seagreen]
> I tried are the results.
> ErrorCode -2147217887 int
> ce.Message "Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040E21." string
> Amar Nalla [MS] wrote:
|||I tried setting the RootTag prop on the command object. That didn't
make any difference. I also attempted to try what you suggested but
wasn't sure I really understood it. I tried it with the sql cmds below.
Is that what you meant?
cmd.CommandText = "select '<a>', product_id, name_display, '</a>' from
tc_products FOR XML AUTO";
cmd.CommandText = "select '<a>'; select product_id, name_display from
tc_products FOR XML AUTO; select '<a>';";
Michael Rys [MSFT] wrote:
> root() in FOR XML does not work in SQL 2000 (only 2005).
> However, there should be a root property on the provider or you need to fake
> it using a select '<a>' select '</a>' before and after the command...
> Best regards
> Michael
> "Han" <> wrote in message
> news:OcrHfdX8EHA.2600@.TK2MSFTNGP09.phx.gbl...
|||I meant the second one
cmd.CommandText = "select '<a>'; select product_id, name_display from
tc_products FOR XML AUTO; select '</a>';";
But as Han observed, it may be that the ExecuteXMLReader does not allow such
streamed statements (the OLEDB and ADO command streams allowed it).
If you set the RootTag prop, are you getting the correctly formatted XML
back (single root node)?
Best regards
"Scott Walters" <> wrote in message
>I tried setting the RootTag prop on the command object. That didn't make
>any difference. I also attempted to try what you suggested but wasn't sure
>I really understood it. I tried it with the sql cmds below. Is that what
>you meant?
> cmd.CommandText = "select '<a>', product_id, name_display, '</a>' from
> tc_products FOR XML AUTO";
> and...
> cmd.CommandText = "select '<a>'; select product_id, name_display from
> tc_products FOR XML AUTO; select '<a>';";
> Michael Rys [MSFT] wrote:

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