Wednesday, March 21, 2012

ExecuteWithResultsAndMessages2, syntax problem?

Here is a code snippet that I am using from Ken's sp_run_xml_proc.
I want to modify it, such that when I invoke sp_run_xml_proc I want to pass
a SP and a parameter. Something like EXEC sp_run_xml_proc 'get_xml_LAC',
@.parameter. This @.parameter should be used as a parameter to get_xml_LAC
stored proc. Is it possible with 'ExecuteWithResultsAndMessages2'? If yes,
then can you direct me how I can fix it? BOL hasn't been much help.
EXEC = sp_OAMethod @.object, 'ExecuteWithResultsAndMessages2',
@.results OUT, @.procname, @.msgs OUT, @.parameter
EXEC sp_displayoaerrorinfo @.object,
Have you tried adding the value to the procedure name?
set @.procname = @.procname + ' ' + @.parameter
"S" wrote:

> Here is a code snippet that I am using from Ken's sp_run_xml_proc.
> I want to modify it, such that when I invoke sp_run_xml_proc I want to pas
> a SP and a parameter. Something like EXEC sp_run_xml_proc 'get_xml_LAC',
> @.parameter. This @.parameter should be used as a parameter to get_xml_LAC
> stored proc. Is it possible with 'ExecuteWithResultsAndMessages2'? If yes,
> then can you direct me how I can fix it? BOL hasn't been much help.
> EXEC = sp_OAMethod @.object, 'ExecuteWithResultsAndMessages2',
> @.results OUT, @.procname, @.msgs OUT, @.parameter
> IF <> 0 BEGIN
> EXEC sp_displayoaerrorinfo @.object,
> END|||Worked like a charm. Appreciate it.
"John Bell" wrote:
> Hi
> Have you tried adding the value to the procedure name?
> set @.procname = @.procname + ' ' + @.parameter
> John
> "S" wrote:

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