Wednesday, March 21, 2012

ExecuteRow - Missing Definition


I'm using Visual Studio 2005 with ADO.Net 2.0 but I am missing a definition for the sqlcommands' object "ExecuteRow"

oCommand =new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand();

oCommand.ExecuteRow() ---------> this is the missing definition

Any ideas anyone ?

The SqlCommand class has no ExecuteRow method. Seethis thread.

What are you trying to do?



well I'm actually just running some tests (I'm currently migrating from 1.1 to 2.0)

I have a book by WROX which specifies the definitions for the command object (See attached image), it contains

a definition for ExecuteRow



I have a book by WROX which specifies the definitions for the command object (See attached image), it contains

a definition for ExecuteRow

Looks like you need a better book. ExecuteRow was dropped between Beta 1 and Beta 2.


Geez, I hate day and date books. They inevitably have stuff wrong, since they have to go to press months before the final release. And I'm afraid that I've written a few. But Never Again.

A better book is indeed in order, but in the meantime you might check the Wrox Web site for an errata sheet.


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