Monday, March 19, 2012

ExecuteNonQuery while dataReader still open

Hi all!

I basically need to get some records from a table and while looping through them i need to insert some records on other table.

I keep getting this error:

There is already an open DataReader associated with this connection which must be closed first.

The piece of code that I have is like this:

SqlCommand sqlCmd2 = new SqlCommand(sqlString2, dbConn);
sqlCmd2.Transaction = trans;
SqlDataReader dr = sqlCmd2.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);

//loop through dr
while (dr.Read())
string sqlStr = "insert into prodQtyPrice (typeQtyId, prodId, typeId) values(28," + dr["prodId"] + "," + dr["typeId"] +")";
SqlCommand sqlCmd3 = new SqlCommand(sqlStr, dbConn);
//sqlCmd3.Transaction = trans;

Also I would like to have the insertions in the same transaction as the previous sql commands.

Thanks a million!

LAMwhy don't you just do that in a procedure? It looks like it's a simple select then insert right?

Insert Into ProdQtyPrice ( typeQtyId, prodId, typeId )
SELECT 28, prodID, TypeID From WhereverYouGetThisFrom

GO|||First of all, thanks for answering so fast!

The main reason that is not inside a storedProcedure is requirements. The entire app is not using SP and this has to be done the same way.

LAM|||>>The entire app is not using SP

looks like you have bigger prbs to worry about.
anyway, to answer your q, since the connection is already open with the datareader, you need to open another connection to do the insert.

hth|||you all are making me cross.

command.CommandText = "Insert Into ProdQtyPrice ( typeQtyId, prodId, typeId ) VALUES SELECT 28, prodID, TypeID From WhereverYouGetThisFrom";

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