Monday, March 12, 2012

Execute Statement..

Dear Friens,
I am writing a SP.But storeing a query in a variable.But at the time
of execution generating error.Exam
Declare @.query varchar{500)
Set @.query = 'Select * from table'

if exists (exec (@.query))
print 'Hi'
But "if exists" line giving error.How do I solve this.Please help me
Arijit ChatterjeeHi

EXISTS requires a sub-query as the test, and EXEC does not do that.

If you have to do this dynamically then you may want to look at
sp_executesql to return a count or move everything into @.query.

If you posted more precise detail it may be easier to offer advice.

John (Arijit Chatterjee) wrote in message news:<>...
> Dear Friens,
> I am writing a SP.But storeing a query in a variable.But at the time
> of execution generating error.Exam
> ===================
> Declare @.query varchar{500)
> Set @.query = 'Select * from table'
> if exists (exec (@.query))
> print 'Hi'
> ====================
> But "if exists" line giving error.How do I solve this.Please help me
> out.
> Reagrds
> Arijit Chatterjee|||Create proc sp_test
Declare @.query varchar{500)
Declare @.var varchar(10)
set @.var='Test'
Set @.query = 'Select * from table' + ' Where ' + 'Colname = ' + @.var
exec (@.query)--> Working fine
if exists (exec (@.query))--> Sending error
print 'Hi'
Now tell me how to solve this.
Arijit Chatterjee|||See inline

"Arijit Chatterjee" <> wrote in message om...
> Create proc sp_test
> as
> Declare @.query varchar{500)
This will not compile

> Declare @.var varchar(10)
> set @.var='Test'
> Set @.query = 'Select * from table' + ' Where ' + 'Colname = ' + @.var
If you were doing this correctly the value in @.var would be enquoted

> exec (@.query)--> Working fine
> if exists (exec (@.query))--> Sending error
> print 'Hi'
> Now tell me how to solve this.

Reading books online would be the first place to look.

Then read on why you should
justify the use of dynamic SQL.

You should then be able to work out how to return the count using
sp_executesql to get what is require.

> Regards
> Arijit Chatterjee

John|||What you need to do in this case is create a sql server temporary
table (such as create table #temp (column1 nvarchar(10),column2
nvarchar(10))) and then build your @.query string so that it inserts
the results of your dynamic select statement into the temp table. You
can then play the whole "exists" game on the results of a query
against your #temp table.

Make sure that you do not build your temp table dynamically. And
remember, you can't insert results from a dynamically built select
statement into a normal variable, but you can insert them into a temp

Good Luck!

"John Bell" <> wrote in message news:<bo2oar$89l$>...
> See inline
> "Arijit Chatterjee" <> wrote in message
> om...
> > Create proc sp_test
> > as
> > Declare @.query varchar{500)
> This will not compile
> > Declare @.var varchar(10)
> > set @.var='Test'
> > Set @.query = 'Select * from table' + ' Where ' + 'Colname = ' + @.var
> If you were doing this correctly the value in @.var would be enquoted
> > exec (@.query)--> Working fine
> > if exists (exec (@.query))--> Sending error
> > print 'Hi'
> > Now tell me how to solve this.
> Reading books online would be the first place to look.
> Then read on why you should
> justify the use of dynamic SQL.
> You should then be able to work out how to return the count using
> sp_executesql to get what is require.
> > Regards
> > Arijit Chatterjee
> John

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