Friday, March 9, 2012

Execute SQL task

I want to perform following using Execute SQL task

declare @.LogID int, @.OperationID int

exec usp_CreateLog


,@.Source_Original = ''

,@.NoTables = 3

,@.UserName = '@.userName'

,@.LogID =@.LogID output

select @.LogID as LogID

I want @.LogID as output. Please suggest how to achive in SSIS

Use OLEDB COmmand, ans in the SQL Command write EXEC SP_Name ?,?,?,?,? OUTPUT

And in the second tab link the input/output columns



Can you please explain in detail as I am new in SSIS.

EXEC SP_Name ?,?,?,?,? OUTPUT

What is ? ?


can you please give more detail as am new in SSIS

what is ? in the sql statement... considering my sql statement.


This is your stored procedure that you can create in your database.

I didnt tested yet, but is more or less this:

Code Snippet


@.MyDataProvider char(2),

@.MySource_Original varchar(20),

@.MyNoTables int,

@.MyUserName char(10)


DECLARE @.LogID int, @.OperationID int

INSERT INTO [MyTable] (DataProvider, SourceOriginal, NoTables, Username)

VALUES (@.MyDataProvider, @.MySource_Original, @.MyNoTables, @.MyUername)



Now, create an OLEDB Command to execute it.

In the second tab of OLEDB Command, link the input and output columns, and use your own variables [@.@.User::] or system variables [@.@.system::]

I can give some images if you want.



dont worry, I willl help you...

If you need I can give some images!



thanks for detail. It works

Can u please give me one more help

I want to execute following function with parameter LogId


set @.Dest= dbo.fn_GetArchiveFileName (?)

And I want @.Dest as output string

Can u please help me in this


Explain me better...

Where you need to execute the function? In database? In the controlFlow? Dataflow?

Give me more details!


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